So last week on Friday I started my first day of Co-Op.....EVER! It was great. If you don't know
what a Co-Op is i will briefly explain. A Co-Op is for homeschoolers to meet once or twice a
week to do classes in a classroom environment. The parents teach whatever they like to do or
have a passion for. So this is my fist Co-Op i have ever attended (officially) and it went great. I
have four classes that I take there, and they are as follows: Biology, World History, Writing, and
Spanish. It has been a really great experience so far and i am loving it! The only down-side is
that I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to get there on time because it takes almost an hour to get
there! Other than that it is awesome. Than each week after Co-Op we are assigned homework
that is due the following week, so it really helps with your accountability and not just slacking
cause you can because you homeschool. The BEST part for me is for me to be able to see my
friend Mia who has not been able to come to church for awhile. She will be coming back in just
6 weeks!!!! But until then I will have to settle for Fridays. But anyways, Co-Op has been a great
experience so far!
p.s. I am trying to post more often now, hopefully this will actually happen!